
love legos. There my favorite. The best part is building. I have a lot of them at my house. There was this set that I wanted for christmas and I got it it was like the best day of my life. The day I build my first set it was amazing That I wanted to keep going. now I get lego sets every year.

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Money, money, money what should I say about money. I know I wish i had lots of money. Want me to tell you what I will do with my money. Ok First, I would buy a mansion. Then a indoor swimming pool. After that a theater were I could have my own pop corn not if I get braises. I would like a indoor soccer place were I can play soccer because I love soccer. I would want to be a soccer player so I can make that kind of money.Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 4.04.48 PM


Roblox is a game. Roblox has games like prison life, armored patrol, twisted murder, obey games there like stages you have to pass and boys and girls hang out. But there are many more. You can play games to earn tickets. If you have tickets you could spend them on cloths, gear, hats, pants, shirts, and T shirts. You would have to go to your catalog and look for those stuff. And if you see something called robux and. The only way you can get that is by building your own game in roblox studio. In games you can send friend request so you can be there friend. It will show you how many friend request you have. And some body might friend request you on your home page. Man roblox is fun.

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Star Trek countdown

I just stared this book called Star Trek Countdown. Its about metro hitting Noen wife is having a baby and he has to get back from this mission. Before his wife has birth. So they team up with these other people so they can track down the metro. Neon the leader does not trust Vulcan his leader. Now this sounds pretty crazy right. Thats all I read for now. This is based on a show when your mother and father were born. You can look it up to. I got this book at the book fair. That we have at school.

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If I could be free

I would want to be free in the open. Were I can breath and sleep on the fresh grass. I would watch sun set. It would be nice to have freedom. And sit be a lovely water fall, were I can be in the open. And to look at the ocean and its nice smooth waves. Sitting in the shades. Playing a sport with friends. running with laughter. Where I can feel me breath. Having a picnic with my family. Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 3.57.28 PM

Super heroes

I love super heroes because they teach us lessons. They fight for what right. Super Heroes like Bat Man, Super Man, Wonder Women, Flash, Iron man, Hulk, Green lantern, Spider Man, and Robin. They all are in lots of comics with awesome powers. I love realistic it is great. They save the world. Super Heroes work together to fight crime. They help our world become a better place.Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 3.55.51 PM


I love candy it is so good. My favorite are StarBurst, M&M, Smarties, Hershey, Kit Kats to. even its unhealthily I still eat it. They have chocolate sweets sour They are all that I like.I would like to live in candy world buts its not a thing. Some times candy gives my energy and some times I feel it really. Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 3.53.33 PM


I love the movies there is always something good to watch. You can eat popcorn nachos and candy. Its awesome is movies in 3D the movie comes to life. Movies are funny, sad, scary, and nasty. When you see movies you have to pay thats stinks right you know what I’m saying. Aren’t movies fun to watch on a big screen. And kind of loud to, right. Its nice to eat during a movie and excited to. The movies are fun.Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 3.51.45 PM

Scary stuff

Some stuff are scary some stuff are not. “do I here a ghost” so spooky. There are lots of scary movies, that when you go to bed you have night mares. Do you like to read scary books? Are you scared of clowns? those are the worst oh no Im going to night mares again come on.

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