Category Archives: books

Book Fair

So this week there was a book fair. I was going to the book fair just to look at books. Once I got there all of these books that I could get. There was this book that I had interest in it was called 2016 top 10 world soccer players. My favorite one that was on there was a player name Robert lewandowski. It said that he was from Poland and got a lot of goals in the last season. I really wanted book but I will have to go home and ask my parents.imgres


So every one know’s what a library  is right. I love the library it’s a awesome place were I can read book’s. I don’t really go to the library often just sometimes when I need a book. The library always have what i’m looking for. I also wonder how many books they have there. Maybe 1,000,000. I got one of those library cards that my mom got me so I can use it to get my own books, and there also good for three years.imgres

The Witches

In class we are reading this book called the Witches. So this little boy lives with his grandma after his parents died, sad right ok, so he living with his grandma and his grandma tells him about Witches so he can be carful around them and knows if there is a witch or not. You can read the rest to find out.


PS, its also a little bit scary.

Old comic books

So these old Comic Books are awesome I was reading one. All these cool graphics inside. When I was reading one it was, it was like Hulk vs the Incredible its was so awesome. You guys can read the book. and back in the 60’s these use to be 20 cents.imgres-1


So last night I was reading Nature Attacks And I love it. There was something about sharks attacks and loved it. The shark one was about people getting bit in the thighs so gross. There was a life guard in the ocean that got bit in the thighs by a shark. those shark have very sharp teeth. This is also based on the 1916 attack. There are other storys in Nature attacks to.UnknownPS. This is a true story

Mega Storms

found this book somewhere but it’s good to read.My thoughts were if there was hurricanes in the united states and if there were a lot of tornados in florida then what I liked in this book was that I liked the Storms because they have like magical powers waiting to be discover.what I learned was how to survive storms.A surprise was that a volcano’s ashes fly to an extremely long distance to Europe.I recommend this to anyone who is in the interest in storms with power to destroy.Unknown-1


Today I read Tanks. It is a non fiction book. It talks about what it is, the crew, how it moves, and main battle tanks. A tank is a armored battle vehicle that has a thick armor, a turret, a barrel, tracks, and a body. It usually has a crew of 3 to 4. It has an engine in the back that makes it move. I recommend this book to anyone who likes tanks. I liked this book because it was about tanks This book reminds me of a game about tanks. 5-channel-boutique-mini-remote-control-tank-transparent-box-simulation-tiger-in-Germany

Stuart Goes To School

Today I read Stuart Goes To School. Stuart is a boy who is always worried about things and he is actually kind of a nerd. They were having show and tell in class and Stuart showed off his tie cape that was made of one hundred ties stapled together. He felt really embarrassed, while all the kids in class laughed at him. If I were stuart I would not want to be embarrassed, I would want the kids to appreciate my presentation. I recommend this book to my classmates because it teaches a lesson, no matter if you are the nerd or the cool kid your still a person with feelings.Screen Shot 2015-10-30 at 1.13.48 PM