Category Archives: shows

Star Trek countdown

I just stared this book called Star Trek Countdown. Its about metro hitting Noen wife is having a baby and he has to get back from this mission. Before his wife has birth. So they team up with these other people so they can track down the metro. Neon the leader does not trust Vulcan his leader. Now this sounds pretty crazy right. Thats all I read for now. This is based on a show when your mother and father were born. You can look it up to. I got this book at the book fair. That we have at school.

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Teen Titians go!

One of me favorite TV shows is Teen Titians. I like it because there full of action. My favorite chacter is cyborg because he is a robot and has many abilities. My favorite episode is when they defeat there most  cruelest enemy SLADE. Now that is my favorite episode. One other thing  did you know that robin loves starfire well if you don’t know he does. Man I love Teen Titans go!



I love Minions they are hilarious. They talk in a funny accent can’t you believe that I haven’t seen the minions movie yet. I really want to see Minions movie, I like that they are in London. It was funny in the first one that the three Minions  were a little family so they can get the little girl a new toy. I thing that my parents are going to let me see it when it comes out on red box.